Source code for gnes.proto

import ctypes
import os
import random
from typing import List, Iterator, Tuple
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import zmq
from termcolor import colored

from . import gnes_pb2
from ..helper import batch_iterator, default_logger

__all__ = ['RequestGenerator', 'send_message', 'recv_message',
           'blob2array', 'array2blob', 'gnes_pb2', 'add_route', 'add_version']

[docs]class RequestGenerator:
[docs] @staticmethod def index(data: Iterator[bytes], batch_size: int = 0, doc_type: int = gnes_pb2.Document.TEXT, doc_id_start: int = 0, request_id_start: int = 0, random_doc_id: bool = False, *args, **kwargs): for pi in batch_iterator(data, batch_size): req = gnes_pb2.Request() req.request_id = request_id_start for raw_bytes in pi: d = d.doc_id = doc_id_start if not random_doc_id else random.randint(0, ctypes.c_uint(-1).value) d.raw_bytes = raw_bytes d.weight = 1.0 d.doc_type = doc_type doc_id_start += 1 yield req request_id_start += 1
[docs] @staticmethod def train(data: Iterator[bytes], batch_size: int = 0, doc_type: int = gnes_pb2.Document.TEXT, doc_id_start: int = 0, request_id_start: int = 0, random_doc_id: bool = False, *args, **kwargs): for pi in batch_iterator(data, batch_size): req = gnes_pb2.Request() req.request_id = request_id_start for raw_bytes in pi: d = d.doc_id = doc_id_start if not random_doc_id else random.randint(0, ctypes.c_uint(-1).value) d.raw_bytes = raw_bytes d.doc_type = doc_type if not random_doc_id: doc_id_start += 1 yield req request_id_start += 1 req = gnes_pb2.Request() req.request_id = request_id_start req.train.flush = True yield req request_id_start += 1
[docs] @staticmethod def query(query: bytes, top_k: int, doc_type: int = gnes_pb2.Document.TEXT, request_id_start: int = 0, *args, **kwargs): if top_k <= 0: raise ValueError('"top_k: %d" is not a valid number' % top_k) req = gnes_pb2.Request() req.request_id = request_id_start = query = doc_type = top_k yield req
[docs]def blob2array(blob: 'gnes_pb2.NdArray') -> np.ndarray: """ Convert a blob proto to an array. """ x = np.frombuffer(, dtype=blob.dtype).copy() return x.reshape(blob.shape)
[docs]def array2blob(x: np.ndarray) -> 'gnes_pb2.NdArray': """Converts a N-dimensional array to blob proto. """ blob = gnes_pb2.NdArray() = x.tobytes() blob.shape.extend(list(x.shape)) blob.dtype = return blob
def router2str(m: 'gnes_pb2.Message') -> str: route_str = [r.service for r in m.envelope.routes] return colored('â–¸', 'green').join(route_str)
[docs]def add_route(evlp: 'gnes_pb2.Envelope', name: str, identity: str): r = evlp.routes.add() r.service = name r.start_time.GetCurrentTime() r.service_identity = identity
[docs]def add_version(evlp: 'gnes_pb2.Envelope'): from .. import __version__, __proto_version__ evlp.gnes_version = __version__ evlp.proto_version = __proto_version__ evlp.vcs_version = os.environ.get('GNES_VCS_VERSION', '')
def merge_routes(msg: 'gnes_pb2.Message', prev_msgs: List['gnes_pb2.Message']): # take unique routes by service identity routes = {(r.service + r.service_identity): r for m in prev_msgs for r in m.envelope.routes} msg.envelope.ClearField('routes') msg.envelope.routes.extend(sorted(routes.values(), key=lambda x: (x.start_time.seconds, x.start_time.nanos))) def check_msg_version(msg: 'gnes_pb2.Message'): from .. import __version__, __proto_version__ if hasattr(msg.envelope, 'gnes_version'): if not msg.envelope.gnes_version: # only happen in unittest default_logger.warning('incoming message contains empty "gnes_version", ' 'you may ignore it in debug/unittest mode. ' 'otherwise please check if frontend service set correct version') elif __version__ != msg.envelope.gnes_version: raise AttributeError('mismatched GNES version! ' 'incoming message has GNES version %s, whereas local GNES version %s' % ( msg.envelope.gnes_version, __version__)) if hasattr(msg.envelope, 'proto_version'): if not msg.envelope.proto_version: # only happen in unittest default_logger.warning('incoming message contains empty "proto_version", ' 'you may ignore it in debug/unittest mode. ' 'otherwise please check if frontend service set correct version') elif __proto_version__ != msg.envelope.proto_version: raise AttributeError('mismatched protobuf version! ' 'incoming message has protobuf version %s, whereas local protobuf version %s' % ( msg.envelope.proto_version, __proto_version__)) if hasattr(msg.envelope, 'vcs_version'): if not msg.envelope.vcs_version or not os.environ.get('GNES_VCS_VERSION'): default_logger.warning('incoming message contains empty "vcs_version", ' 'you may ignore it in debug/unittest mode, ' 'or if you run gnes OUTSIDE docker container where GNES_VCS_VERSION is unset' 'otherwise please check if frontend service set correct version') elif os.environ.get('GNES_VCS_VERSION') != msg.envelope.vcs_version: raise AttributeError('mismatched vcs version! ' 'incoming message has vcs_version %s, whereas local environment vcs_version is %s' % ( msg.envelope.vcs_version, os.environ.get('GNES_VCS_VERSION'))) if not hasattr(msg.envelope, 'proto_version') and not hasattr(msg.envelope, 'gnes_version'): raise AttributeError('version_check=True locally, ' 'but incoming message contains no version info in its envelope. ' 'the message is probably sent from a very outdated GNES version') def extract_bytes_from_msg(msg: 'gnes_pb2.Message') -> Tuple: doc_bytes = [] chunk_bytes = [] doc_byte_type = b'' chunk_byte_type = b'' docs = or or [] # for train request for d in docs: # oneof raw_data { # string raw_text = 5; # NdArray raw_image = 6; # NdArray raw_video = 7; # bytes raw_bytes = 8; // for other types # } dtype = d.WhichOneof('raw_data') or '' doc_byte_type = dtype.encode() if dtype == 'raw_bytes': doc_bytes.append(d.raw_bytes) d.ClearField('raw_bytes') elif dtype == 'raw_image': doc_bytes.append( d.raw_image.ClearField('data') elif dtype == 'raw_video': doc_bytes.append( d.raw_video.ClearField('data') elif dtype == 'raw_text': doc_bytes.append(d.raw_text.encode()) d.ClearField('raw_text') for c in d.chunks: # oneof content { # string text = 2; # NdArray blob = 3; # bytes raw = 7; # } chunk_bytes.append( c.embedding.ClearField('data') ctype = c.WhichOneof('content') or '' chunk_byte_type = ctype.encode() if ctype == 'raw': chunk_bytes.append(c.raw) c.ClearField('raw') elif ctype == 'blob': chunk_bytes.append( c.blob.ClearField('data') elif ctype == 'text': chunk_bytes.append(c.text.encode()) c.ClearField('text') return doc_bytes, doc_byte_type, chunk_bytes, chunk_byte_type def fill_raw_bytes_to_msg(msg: 'gnes_pb2.Message', msg_data: List[bytes]): doc_byte_type = msg_data[2].decode() chunk_byte_type = msg_data[3].decode() doc_bytes_len = int(msg_data[4]) chunk_bytes_len = int(msg_data[5]) doc_bytes = msg_data[6:(6 + doc_bytes_len)] chunk_bytes = msg_data[(6 + doc_bytes_len):] if len(chunk_bytes) != chunk_bytes_len: raise ValueError('"chunk_bytes_len"=%d in message, but the actual length is %d' % ( chunk_bytes_len, len(chunk_bytes))) c_idx = 0 d_idx = 0 docs = or or [] for d in docs: if doc_bytes and doc_bytes[d_idx]: if doc_byte_type == 'raw_bytes': d.raw_bytes = doc_bytes[d_idx] d_idx += 1 elif doc_byte_type == 'raw_image': = doc_bytes[d_idx] d_idx += 1 elif doc_byte_type == 'raw_video': = doc_bytes[d_idx] d_idx += 1 elif doc_byte_type == 'raw_text': d.raw_text = doc_bytes[d_idx].decode() d_idx += 1 for c in d.chunks: if chunk_bytes and chunk_bytes[c_idx]: = chunk_bytes[c_idx] c_idx += 1 if chunk_byte_type == 'raw': c.raw = chunk_bytes[c_idx] c_idx += 1 elif chunk_byte_type == 'blob': = chunk_bytes[c_idx] c_idx += 1 elif chunk_byte_type == 'text': c.text = chunk_bytes[c_idx].decode() c_idx += 1
[docs]def send_message(sock: 'zmq.Socket', msg: 'gnes_pb2.Message', timeout: int = -1, squeeze_pb: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None: try: if timeout > 0: sock.setsockopt(zmq.SNDTIMEO, timeout) else: sock.setsockopt(zmq.SNDTIMEO, -1) if not squeeze_pb: sock.send_multipart([msg.envelope.client_id.encode(), msg.SerializeToString()]) else: doc_bytes, doc_byte_type, chunk_bytes, chunk_byte_type = extract_bytes_from_msg(msg) # now raw_bytes are removed from message, hoping for faster de/serialization sock.send_multipart( [msg.envelope.client_id.encode(), # 0 msg.SerializeToString(), # 1 doc_byte_type, chunk_byte_type, # 2, 3 b'%d' % len(doc_bytes), b'%d' % len(chunk_bytes), # 4, 5 *doc_bytes, *chunk_bytes]) # 6, 7 except zmq.error.Again: raise TimeoutError( 'cannot send message to sock %s after timeout=%dms, please check the following:' 'is the server still online? is the network broken? are "port" correct? ' % ( sock, timeout)) except Exception as ex: raise ex finally: sock.setsockopt(zmq.SNDTIMEO, -1)
[docs]def recv_message(sock: 'zmq.Socket', timeout: int = -1, check_version: bool = False, **kwargs) -> Optional[ 'gnes_pb2.Message']: try: if timeout > 0: sock.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, timeout) else: sock.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, -1) msg = gnes_pb2.Message() msg_data = sock.recv_multipart() msg.ParseFromString(msg_data[1]) if check_version: check_msg_version(msg) # now we have a barebone msg, we need to fill in data if len(msg_data) > 2: fill_raw_bytes_to_msg(msg, msg_data) return msg except zmq.error.Again: raise TimeoutError( 'no response from sock %s after timeout=%dms, please check the following:' 'is the server still online? is the network broken? are "port" correct? ' % ( sock, timeout)) except Exception as ex: raise ex finally: sock.setsockopt(zmq.RCVTIMEO, -1)